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[this is good] Completely awesome show this week, CC! Thank you so much!I've been into collages on GFIC International Coffee tins. I usedto print images out on glossy photo paper and cut and tape or glue;but my husband showed me how to print a jumble of photos onto self-adhesive paper and then cut out the pictures and slap them on.  He first does a primer of spray paint in a solid color(taping themetallic edges so they won't get hit) and then seals it but I just do the self-adhesive paper.


That sounds so cool.  I would love to see them.  Do you have any posted on your vox?  Guess I'll go take a look.  Cheers!


[this is good] They are not in your league at all:) but right now they are on the 2d page of my blog, I think.  Tried to shoot it over to you but it didn't quite work.  Thanks! Z

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